3 Month Outlook - Video Recording Tarot Reading

Get ready for the next 3 months of your life with a personalized video Tarot reading! Whether you're looking for a general reading or specific guidance on areas like love, career, or money, I've got you covered.You will get personalized insights and guidance, as well as practical advice to help you stay proactive and prepared for any twists and turns life may bring over the next 3 months. Note: This is not live, you will receive a video recording of your reading sent through email.

$44.00 USD

Legal Info:
By booking: I am 18 years of age or older. I understand that Psychic (“Tarot”, “Oracle”, “Medium”, and “Astrology”) Readings are for entertainment purposes only. All guidance is subject to my own interpretation. I agree that any information or guidance provided does not constitute or substitute for legal, psychological, financial, medical, or business advice.
I understand and agree Purposefully Driven LLC, its owners, and its employees claims no responsibility whatsoever to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, both directly and indirectly, as a result of the reading I received.

Note: If you do not provide details of a specific area of life in which you want your 3 month outlook focused on, you will receive a general 3 mont outlook reading. You must indicate what specific area of your life you want the reading to focus on within 72 hours of purchase. Link in post-purchase email.

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